Our NPS Strategy

Industry-Leading Customer Excellence

At Proponent, it’s not just enough to say that we’re a fast, easy, and reliable partner for our customers and suppliers. We have to be one. We track our Net Promoter Score® (NPS) to make sure we’re always encouraging feedback, acting on it, and holding ourselves accountable to our commitment to leading the industry.

A man in a grey long sleeve, with glasses speaks, while looking off camera

What is an NPS Score?

Measuring our Customer Happiness
A team of people are listening to a man talk

An NPS score is a metric of customer satisfaction that ranges from -100 to +100.

NPS scores are calculated by asking customers “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service/company to a friend, colleague, or family member?”

Customers who answer between 1-6 are labeled “detractors.” Customers who answer 7 or 8 are “passives”, and customers who answer 9 or 10 are “promoters.”

NPS scores are calculated with the equation:
[% of Promoters] – [% of Detractors] = [NPS Score]

So, if 0% of your customers were promoters, and 100% were detractors, you’d have an NPS score of -100. If 50% of your customers were promoters and 50% were detractors, you’d have an NPS score of 0. And if every single one of your customers were promoters and none were detractors, you’d have an NPS score of 100.

The Most Satisfied Customers in the Industry

Proponent’s NPS Score

At Proponent, we don’t want to just have a good NPS score, we strive to have the most satisfied customers in the industry. It’s a goal we’ve set for ourselves to make sure we’re measuring and constantly striving for success.

Industry NPS scores sourced from Comparably.com, as of June 2023.

What Sets Us Apart

Our customers and partners recognize our operations, broad product portfolio, and global operations as key contributors to our industry-leading NPS scores.

Our Competitive Advantage

Our NPS scores demonstrate that our independence, culture and transparency, market intelligence, technical sales, and integrated solutions are why our customers and partners continue to rely on us for their business success.

How We Use NPS Scores & Surveys

A smiling man in a grey Proponent branded shirt, talks to a woman, with her back to camera

Proactively Listening

With our NPS survey strategy, we regularly ask our customers and partners for feedback on our performance. This gives us a chance to hear and act on what our customers appreciate about working with us, and areas where we can improve.

A man speaks to his team, with charts on a whiteboard behind him

Meeting Our Goals

We’re committed to being the best partner we can, and NPS scores and survey responses help us make sure we’re meeting those goals. We track hundreds of data points internally to monitor our performance, and NPS scores give us external validation that those performance gains are being felt by our customers.

A woman in a dark grey top points to a computer screen with a man in a plaid shirt, following along

Finding Problems Before They’re Problems

By tracking our NPS scores over time, we identify trends that can pose potential problems and addressing them proactively.

A man in a green shirt, talks to person in a salmon shirt

Driving Our Improvement Activities

We use the feedback from our survey to prioritize the work we do to service our customers.

Our NPS Process

Collecting Feedback

At Proponent, we solicit feedback from every active customer in our database twice a year.  

We start with a simple question: how likely are you to recommend Proponent to a friend or colleague? 

From there, we ask a few questions about the reasons for that answer, and give customers an open-ended opportunity to provide any feedback on how we can better serve them.

Tracking our Progress

Now that we’ve had our robust NPS process implemented for several years, we’re able to gain valuable insights based on our performance over time.

When our NPS scores go up, we can often correlate that with actions we’ve taken to improve our customer experience, and build on those to deliver further improvements.

If our NPS scores go down, it gives us the opportunity to quickly identify where we might be falling short in our customer experience, and quickly fix the issue.

We also carefully analyze NPS survey responses by customer segment, geography, and more, to make sure that we’re delivering improvements on both organization-wide and highly targeted scales.

Implementing Change for the Better

The one thing we never do with customer feedback is ignore it. In fact, our NPS survey data helps to inform some of our most important decisions we make as a company.

We have a robust review and response system for our NPS survey data. Every actionable customer comment is assigned to a manager for either direct follow-up with the survey respondent, or appropriate actions within our company.

Proponent also aggregates responses to not only understand where we have the most opportunity for improvement, but to use that input to prioritize our projects that positively impact areas of greatest importance to our customer partners.

Many of our customer’s favorite features, like direct changes to our e-commerce website, order entry systems, internal processes, and self-service capabilities started as customer responses from an NPS survey.

Proponent prides itself on earning and maintaining an industry-leading Net Promoter Score.